To celebrate this year’s World Menopause Day, Michelle Curran, our Head of Commercial Operations, partnered with Supply Chain Sustainability School to deliver an educational webinar on embedding a menopause policy in the workplace. This was in line with our FIR (Fairness, Inclusion and Respect) obligation, particularly around gender equality and wellbeing.
During the webinar, Michelle indicated the importance of supporting all female staff and how a menopause policy can help create a more diverse, inclusive workplace. She also outlined how Mobile VMS, an SME, developed and embedded a Menopause policy and the impact this had on staff morale.
We are proud to see that more and more people in the industry are willing to learn about the impact of menopause, which affects all women. Women in their 40’s and 50’s are the largest growing demographic in the workplace and we need to start the conversation around menopause awareness and support. We hope the webinar will enable other organisation’s to initiate practical support mechanisms for women. Thank you to everyone who participated!